Healing ARC Call to Action

Do not be constrained by the political system within which you are working. Dream bigger, do not limit your thinking. Design policies and practices that can take the nation forward, that can create a just America without racism in healthcare treatment.

Stop approving racist policies. Have the courage to acknowledge that race-conscious policies are required to eliminate inequities in healthcare that lead to unhealthy and harmful outcomes for people of color. Provide the resources for these policies to be implemented at scale where they can help transform our society.

Pay close attention to the treatment your loved ones receive. When you have questions about care, raise them with a strong, determined voice. Make sure your concerns are shared with policymakers and elected officials. Demand that they help get answers. And pressure elected leaders to provide resources to support polices that will end health disparities in patient care.

You see the racial and ethnic inequities taking place in facilities and hospitals where you work. Please share what you have witnessed. We need your help in constructing authentic narratives about the experiences of Black & Brown patients. We also need your ideas on the solutions that can make healthcare more equitable.

Acknowledge that racism impacts patient care at your facility. Document the inequities and implement applications inspired by the Healing ARC framework that can help eliminate disparities in patient care.

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans say the country needs to continue making changes to give Black people equal rights, but only 1 in 5 doctors believe racism impacts healthcare. Doctors must better understand their own work environment and recognize that structural racism is affecting Black & Brown patients. This is a problem close to home. Be part of the solution.